Thursday, March 29, 2012

Fun days ahead!!

Today and tomorrow are going to be great my darlings!!  Why you ask??  I'm resting today as per the Dr but then get to hang out with one of my closest friends while the boyfriend's at work.  Tomorrow will be amazing since we are looking at some really nice houses and the one house we love which was a sale by owner will work with our Realtor.  Next week at this time we could have a home!!  Life can be pretty magical when you keep a positive attitude. Until next time..



Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Some fun things to do to unwind....

Hello darlings!!  Just wanted to give you some tips on how I like to unwind so you may do the same!!  First of all warm milk and local organic honey, it's like natures Valium and helps soothe me like no other and the local honey will help with your allergies.   A quick and cheap treat is adding a few drops of lavender oil to warm water and take a plush washcloth over your eyes, such a stress reliever!  I'm also addicted to smarterer, I am a Bzz Agent so I got to try it and other fun things for free.  It's fun quizzes that are like a cooler Sudoku....  In fact I recommend becoming a Bzz Agent since it's free, fun and you get to try all sorts of things out!!  Another natural spa treat is adding clary sage and some milk (a natural exfolliant) to a warm bath and light some candles.  Clary sage is known for it's calming and euphoric  benefits, but it's powerful so just a few drops.  And of course with allergy season here, always keep a pack of frozen peas in your freezer to depoof your eyes!!  These are some of the things that are keeping me sane during house hunting!!  Until then......



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Monday, March 26, 2012

House hunting and some of the things you will find...

As you know, I'm house hunting with my boyfriend.  Well yesterday I think we found the creepiest place in Neenah.  Security cameras where EVERYWHERE!! Nothing in the house had changed since the 70's except for cat light switch covers and 5 GRAND in security cameras.  No thanks!!  We did find a place we did like, but it reeks of dog.   Wish us luck!



Friday, March 23, 2012

Finally started the book!

As some of you know I was thinking of working on a book.  Well I have, I did not know that writing would be this difficult!!  I'm going to try to write at least a few days a week, I'm also working on jewelry for the summer art season and for an my upcoming Etsy site.  Plus I'm still painting and want to keep up on all the art stuff coming up.  So if I don't see ya'll a lot or I'm cranky some days please forgive me, you know you're fabulous and I love you!!



Thursday, March 22, 2012

Why house hunting is harder than picking out shoes...

Well my darlings, I have learned a hard lesson today.  It seems that house hunting is much harder than finding the perfect heels!  This is going to be a crazy new adventure!!  Lets face it, I have never lived longer in one city/state for over 5 years.  This makes me a bit nervous, I'm afraid the gypsy in me will want to up and move on a whim.  Once you settle down, you settle down it's for real.  Wish us luck ya'll



Wednesday, March 21, 2012

How smart are you??

As all of you know I'm a Bzz Agent.  One of the perks of that is getting to try fun and new things for free, ya'll got to check this out!! If you want to have some fun, waste time, learn new things or prove you are smarter than I am check this out!!  While I had EPIC fails on some tests, I did ok on the others...  This is totally addictive to me and sometimes find myself doing the test for hours.  Ya'll should check it out, it's free and fun and who doesn't like a cheap thrill??  Go forth and have fun my darlings!!



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The joys of house hunting.

Well all my fabulous friends it's official, I'm a grown up....  Gale and I are looking at homes and discussing what neighborhoods have the best parks and schools.  A few years ago I would have looked for the best shopping and art districts.  If any of you darlings have any advice I'll be happy to take it.  This is not like changing hair color or buying a new pair of heels, I'm totally out of my environment when it comes to something this MAJOR!!



Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Getting Duchess healthy

As you all know I'm a Bzz Agent and have been able to participate in this cat food trial.  I'm happy to let all my cat owning friends that this food rocks!!  Duchess seems to be a LOT peppier and I like the fact that the food is grain free, since let's face it cats are carnivores..  Seriously there is some weird stuff in a lot of these cats food before meat. I really recommend trying some of this on your cats, we don't feed bad stuff to ourselves (at least I try not to)so lets feed our pets the same way!!  Check out the link if you want to learn more.



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Greetings and Salutations

Welcome to my first post here in my little Boho world!!  Right now I'm working on finishing touches on one of my paintings for an upcoming art exhibit I hope to get in to.  I hope to have pictures of the art and jewelry up soon.  Until then, make yourself comfortable and at home my darlings.

